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What equipment does my player need?

What is already provided
Your team will be provided with a team jersey and team baseball hat that is covered by your registration fee.
Coaches will also have extra bats, batting helmets, and catcher's equipment that can be shared by an child that needs them during the season.

Parents Responsibility
Pants / Belt / Socks (recommend grey pants, as they are easier to clean.  You can get a neutral colored belt / socks, or match to your team color)
Cleats (Any model sports cleat except for metal cleats are allowed)
Baseball Glove (Baseball Glove buying Guide)
Athletic Cup
Water Bottle

Additional Optional Items
Baseball Bag (to carry glove, bat, helmet, etc)
Baseball Bat (Bat Buying Guide - Little League uses USA Bat Certifications for Majors and below; Bat Size Guide
Batting Helmet (Batting Helmet Guide)
Batting Gloves

Warning about Second Hand Items
Please be careful buying second hand, bat rules do change over time and older bats may not be eligible for Little League.  Current standards require bats have a USA bat certification sticker on the bat. 
In addition, Batting Helmets are not allowed with extra holes or missing proper face guards, please ensure they are certified and do not have missing ear flaps or face guards when you buy them.

Available Discounts
Look out for discount coupons for Dicks Sporting Goods.  Each season, LLLL receives coupons for players as well as a special discount day.

What is the schedule like?

It is easier for you and easier for us to schedule consistent days of the week during the season.  Our first priority when scheduling is to try to give you consistency in your schedule.

Practices: In the beginning of the season all events will be practices.  Once games start, you will have 1-2 practices a week depending on the number of teams in your division.
Games: Games will start approximately 2 weeks after practices start, typically the first or second week of April in the Spring and after Labor Day in the Fall.

We offer Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday schedules for our T-Ball teams.  All teams will play on Saturday.

Coach Pitch
The Coach Pitch division operates on a Tuesday/Thursday* schedule.  All teams will play on Saturday.

The A division operates on a Monday/Wednesday* schedules.  All teams will play on Saturday.

The AA division operates on a Monday/Wednesday* schedule.  All teams will play on Saturday.

The AAA division operates on a Monday/Wednesday* schedules.  All teams will play on Saturday.

The Majors division operates on a Tuesday/Thursday* schedule.  All teams will play on Saturday.

*Please note that the schedule days may differ based on if divisions are combined, during holiday weeks, by specific coach request, or rescheduled events due to weather. 

What is the Assessment?

Every year Lower Loudoun Little League tries to assess the participating players.

Our goal is to provide as much information to the managers as possible to create equal teams.  Players that do not participate make it harder for the league to ensure teams are balanced and fair.

What we assess:
Fielding - We are looking for the players ability to move their feet, get in front of the ball, use proper mechanics to get the glove down, and move from the fielding position to the throwing position.

Throwing - We are looking for the players ability to set their feet properly, use proper mechanics when throwing, throwing accuracy, and throwing speed.

Catching - We are looking for the players ability to move under the ball, get the glove into the proper position over the head, catch the ball over the head or to the side as needed, and make quick decisive adjustments with body and glove position.

Batting - We are looking for the players ability to follow the 4 S's of hitting, Square Stance, Straight Head, Stride Forward, Squash the Bug.  We will look for the players ability to provide a level swing and make contact with the ball and drive the ball with power.

Pitching - We are looking for the players ability to understand their position on the mound, display proper mechanics when pitching, and throw with accuracy and power.

What to Bring to Assessments
No cleats are allowed at assessments, we are indoors and the facility does not allow cleats.
We recommend a glove, baseball bat, and batting helmet as the primary things to bring.  All other items are optional and not necessary.
The facility has spare gloves, bats, and helmets to use as needed, so if you don't yet have an item you can borrow one during assessments.

How are teams formed?

Lower Loudoun Little League selects teams through a draft format for all divisions above T-ball.  The Little League rulebook recommends drafts as a method of trying to get equally balanced teams.

Spring Season - Drafts are usually the first week of March.

Fall Season - Drafts are usually the week before school starts in August.

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