Every year Lower Loudoun Little League tries to assess the participating players.
Our goal is to provide as much information to the managers as possible to create equal teams. Players that do not participate make it harder for the league to ensure teams are balanced and fair.
What we assess:
Fielding - We are looking for the players ability to move their feet, get in front of the ball, use proper mechanics to get the glove down, and move from the fielding position to the throwing position.
Throwing - We are looking for the players ability to set their feet properly, use proper mechanics when throwing, throwing accuracy, and throwing speed.
Catching - We are looking for the players ability to move under the ball, get the glove into the proper position over the head, catch the ball over the head or to the side as needed, and make quick decisive adjustments with body and glove position.
Batting - We are looking for the players ability to follow the 4 S's of hitting, Square Stance, Straight Head, Stride Forward, Squash the Bug. We will look for the players ability to provide a level swing and make contact with the ball and drive the ball with power.
Pitching - We are looking for the players ability to understand their position on the mound, display proper mechanics when pitching, and throw with accuracy and power.
What to Bring to Assessments
No cleats are allowed at assessments, we are indoors and the facility does not allow cleats.
We recommend a glove, baseball bat, and batting helmet as the primary things to bring. All other items are optional and not necessary.
The facility has spare gloves, bats, and helmets to use as needed, so if you don't yet have an item you can borrow one during assessments.